Today I invite you dear readers, to focus your attention on the mentality of him, who has acquired 'wisdom'. When the branches are distinctly spoken of, is not the tree already discussed$%: If water has been dealt with, ocean is already included. If light is discussed, the sun, the source of all light, must be taken to be included.
The body is not different from the limbs. The seed, which has been put into the soil, grows up as a tree. Whatever the senses, therefore, do is the result of the activities of the mind. If non-violence has not dawned in the heart, how will the senses remain non-violent$%: Every tendency has its birth in the mind and then it expresses itself through the mouth, hands, eyes, etc. What is not in the mind, can never be spoken of by the tongue, just as without the seed, no plant will grow.
If the mind were to be somehow stilled, freed of depravity, the corresponding senses would cease to function like dolls in a puppet show without the director. If water dries up at the source, it cannot flow forth as a river. When life departs from the body, the body ceases to function. The mind is, therefore, at the root of all the desires of the senses, and the senses can only complete the process which has started in the mind. The feeling which dominates the mind, expresses outside, just as the sweet flavour of a ripe fruit spreads itself everywhere.
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When non-violence alone seems to be the most desirable thing to the senses, they will behave accordingly. When there is tide in the ocean, the gulf also receives the tide. When the mind conceives of non-violence, the senses become non-violent. When a child is being taught the alphabet, the teacher, holding the hand of the child, writes beautiful letters. So the mind imparts to the hands and feet its compassion, and the hands and feet therefore behave accordingly. What is called the nature of the senses, is nothing but the nature of the mind.
Therefore always recognize without a doubt as the man, who has acquired wisdom (Jnana) him, who has by his body, speech and mind given up violence and in whose actions you will find corresponding non-violence. Such a condition of mind is itself wisdom. Such a man listens to nothing but non-violence. He writes about non-violence. If one wanted to search for non-violence, he should see such a man.
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I should have spoken of non-violence briefly, but it was the case of a cow coming on a green patch forgetting to move forward, or of a bird going to the sky on the wind. When one is talking on a favourite subject, it is difficult to speak in measured terms. There is however an additional reason, viz, though it is a small word, doctrinal misconceptions about it have been many.
Comments of my dear readers will be highly appreciated, in case you feel that one should be given.Thanks.
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